Eliodomestico solar still aims to end freshwater crisis
We know that the surface of earth is primarily composed of water, but still we see millions around the world either getting infected due to contaminated water or dying as a result of the...
View ArticleWaterdome solar powered desalination system to produce 500 liters of potable...
We know that water occupies around two-thirds of the surface of our planet, but only a small percent of the total amount is actually potable, with seawater occupying the rest. This brings in a serious...
View ArticleMasdar to develop clean energy powered desalination system for UAE
Producing potable water from seawater is an expensive and above all an energy-intensive process. The problem gets even worse in the Gulf region, which accounts for nearly 50 percent of the world’s...
View ArticleAquahex: Floating water desalination system runs on solar energy
In places such as Dubai, where freshwater is scarce, water desalination systems are employed to produce potable water using seawater. However, desalinating water requires a considerable amount of...
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